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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Safety
Tool Habits - Continued
Safety Rules (Power Tools)
Safety Equipment - Continued
Chapter 3 Reading Measuring Scales
Reading the Scale of a Rule or Tape - Continued - 14256_20
Reading the Scale of a Rule or Tape - Continued - 14256_21
Chapter 4 Tool Boxes
Types and Uses - 14256_24
Chapter 5 Dividers
Types and Uses - 14256_26
Using a Divider to Scribe a Circle
How to Choose and Use Them - 14256_29
Types and Uses - 14256_30
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_31
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_32
Reading a Vernier Caliper - Continued
Chapter 7 Micrometers
Types and Uses - 14256_36
Selecting the Proper Micrometer - Continued
Reading a Standard Micrometer
Reading a Vernier Micrometer
Reading a Metric Micrometer
Chapter 8 Rules and Steel Tapes
Types and Uses - 14256_42
Using Rules and Tapes Examples
Chapter 9 Miscellaneous Measuring Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_46
Using Miscellaneous Measuring Tools
Chapter 10 Levels
Types and Uses - 14256_50
Using a Level
Chapter 11 Plumb Bobs
Types and Uses - 14256_54
Using a Plumb Bob
Using a Plumb Bob - Continued - 14256_56
Using a Plumb Bob - Continued - 14256_57
Care of Plumb Bobs
Chapter 12 Scribers
Types and Uses - 14256_60
Using a Machinist's Scriber - Continued
Chapter 13 Squares
Types and Uses - 14256_64
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_65
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_66
Using a Try Square
Using a Sliding T-Bevel Square - Continued
Using a Combination Square - Continued - 14256_69
Using a Combination Square - Continued - 14256_70
Chapter 14 Surface, Depth, and Height Gages
Types and Uses - 14256_72
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_73
Using the Surface, Depth, and Height Gages
Care of Surface, Height and Depth Gages
Chapter 15 Ring and Snap Gages and Gage Blocks
Types and Uses - 14256_78
Types and Uses - 14256_79
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_80
Using an Adjustable Snap Gage
Using an Adjustable Snap Gage - Continued - 14256_82
Using an Adjustable Snap Gage - Continued - 14256_83
Using Precision Gage Blocks - Continued
Factors to Consider When Using Gage Blocks - Continued
Chapter 16 Miscellaneous Measuing Gages
Types and Uses - 14256_88
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_89
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_90
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_91
Using a Center Gage
Using a Telescoping Gage
Using a Drill Point Gage
Using Marking Gages
Chapter 17 Pliers and Tongs
Types and Uses - 14256_98
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_99
Using Slip Joint Pliers
Using Lineman's Side Cutting Pliers
Chapter 18 Vises
Types and Uses - 14256_104
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_105
Using a Machinist's Bench Vise
Using a Pipe Vise
Chapter 19 Clamps
Types and Uses - 14256_110
Using a Hand Screw Clamp
Chapter 20 Jacks
Types and Uses - 14256_114
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_115
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_116
Using a Bell Base Screw Jack
Using a Ratchet Lever Jack
Care of Jacks
Chapter 21 Hammers, Mallets and Mauls
Types and Uses - 14256_122
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_123
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_124
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_125
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_126
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_127
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_128
Safety - Continued
Using a Carpenter's Hammer
Using a Carpenter's Hammer - Continued
Using a Machinist's Ball Peen Hammer
Care of Inserted Face Hammers
Replacing the Handle - Continued - 14256_134
Replacing the Handle - Continued - 14256_135
Chapter 22 Screwdrivers
Types and Uses - 14256_138
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_139
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_140
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_141
Using Screwdrivers - Continued - 14256_142
Using Screwdrivers - Continued - 14256_143
Using Screwdrivers - Continued - 14256_144
Chapter 23 Manual Drills
Types and Uses - 14256_146
Using a Brace Drill
Using an Expansive Bit
Chapter 24 Screw and Tap Extractors
Types and Uses - 14256_150
Using a Spiral Tapered Screw Extractor
Chapter 25 Wrenches
Types and Uses - 14256_154
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_155
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_156
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_157
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_158
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_159
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_160
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_161
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_162
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_163
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_164
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_165
How to Use a Box Wrench
Using an Adjustable Open-End Wrench
Using the Torque Wrench
Using the Power Torque Wrench - Continued - 14256_169
Using the Power Torque Wrench - Continued - 14256_170
Chapter 26 Chisels
Types and Uses - 14256_172
Using a Woodworker's Chisel
Using a Machinist's Cold Chisel
Using a Rivet Buster Chisel
Chapter 27 Punches
Types and Uses - 14256_178
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_179
Using a Center Punch
Using a Drift Punch
Using an Alignment Punch
Chapter 28 Files
Types and Uses - 14256_184
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_185
Using a File
Care of Files
Care of Files - Continued
Chapter 29 Grinders and Sharpening Stones
Types and Uses - 14256_190
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_191
Using a Bench Grinder - Continiued - 14256_192
Using a Bench Grinder - Continiued - 14256_193
Using a Sharpening Stone - Continued
Chapter 30 Scrapers
Types and Uses - 14256_196
Safety - 14256_197
Chapter 31 Awls
Types and Uses - 14256_200
Chapter 32 Bolt and Cable Cutters
Types and Uses - 14256_202
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_203
Safety - 14256_204
Care of Bolt and Cable Cutters
Chapter 33 Glass Cutters
Types and Uses - 14256_208
Using a Wheel-Type Glass Cutter - Continued - 14256_209
Using a Wheel-Type Glass Cutter - Continued - 14256_210
Chapter 34 Knives
Types and Uses - 14256_212
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_213
Using a Putty Knife - Continued
Chapter 35 Pipe Cutting and Threading Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_216
Using a Pipe Cutter - Continued
Using a Pipe Threading Set
Using a Pipe Threading Set - Continued - 14256_219
Using a Pipe Threading Set - Continued - 14256_220
Chapter 36 Tube Cutting and Flaring Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_222
Using a Flaring Tool - Continued - 14256_223
Using a Flaring Tool - Continued - 14256_224
Chapter 37 Shears and Nippers
Types and Uses - 14256_226
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_227
Using Cutting Nippers - Continued
Chapter 38 Taps and Dies
Types and Uses - 14256_230
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_231
Dies - Continued
Using a Hand Tap - Continued
Using a Die and Diestock - Continued
Using a Die and Die Stock - Continued
Chapter 38 Reamers
Types and Uses - 14256_238
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_239
Using a Solid Straight - Hole Reamer - Continued
Chapter 40 Benders
Types and Uses - 14256_242
Using a Tubing Bender
Using an Electrical Conduit Hand Bender
How to Choose and Use Them - 14256_245
Types and Uses - 14256_246
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_247
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_248
Using a Slide Hammer Puller Set
Chapter 42 Bars
Types and Uses - 14256_252
Using the Combination Bar
Chapter 43 Mattocks
Types and Uses - 14256_256
Using the Mattock - Continued
Chapter 44 Gasket Cutters
Types and Uses - 14256_260
Using the Gasket Cutter
Chapter 45 Chopping Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_264
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_265
Using the Single-Bit Ax
Using the Adz
Using The Timber Wedge
Care of Chopping Tools
Chapter 46 Saws
Types and Uses - 14256_272
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_273
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_274
Using the Crosscut Saw
Using the Keyhole Saw
Using the Hacksaw - Continued
Chapter 47 Bruch-Cutting Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_280
Using the Brush Hook
Chapter 48 Timber Handling Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_284
Care of Timber Handling Tools
How to Choose and Use Them - 14256_287
Types and Uses - 14256_288
Using Climbing Tools
Using Climbing Tools - Continued
Care of Climbing Tools
Chapter 50 Planes
Types and Uses - 14256_294
Using the Block Plane
Using the Bench Plane - Continued
Chapter 51 Digging Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_298
Safety - 14256_299
Using the Spade
Using the Posthole Digger
Chapter 52 Electrical Power Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_304
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_305
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_306
Using the Portable Electric Drill
Using the Portable Electric Hammer
Using the Impact Wrench
Using the Impact Wrench - Continued
Using the Portable Electric Circular Saw - Continued - 14256_311
Using the Portable Electric Circular Saw - Continued - 14256_312
Using the Electric Chain Saw - Continued
Using the Portable Electric Sander
Care of Electric Power Tools
Chapter 53 Miscellaneous Tools
Types and Uses - 14256_318
Types and Uses - Continued - 14256_319
Safety - 14256_320
Using the Brick Trowel - Continued
Using the Block
Care of Miscellaneous Tools
Appendix A References
Appendix A - Continued
Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_328
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_329
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_330
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_331
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_332
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_333
Alphabetical Index - Continued - 14256_334
The Metric System and Equivalents
Assignment Questions - 14256_337
Assignment 1 - 14256_339
Assignment 1 - Continued - 14256_340
Assignment 1 - Continued - 14256_341
Assignment 1 - Continued - 14256_342
Assignment 1 - Continued - 14256_343
Assignment 1 - Continued - 14256_344
Assignment 2 - 14256_345
Assignment 2 - Continued - 14256_346
Assignment 2 - Continued - 14256_347
Assignment 2 - Continued - 14256_348
Assignment 2 - Continued - 14256_349
Assignment 2 - Continued - 14256_350
Assignment 3 - 14256_351
Assignment 3 - Continued - 14256_352
Assignment 3 - Continued - 14256_353
Assignment 3 - Continued - 14256_354
Assignment 3 - Continued - 14256_355
Assignment 3 - Continued - 14256_356
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_357
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_358
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_359
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_360
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_361
Assignment 4 - Continued - 14256_362
Assignment 5 - 14256_363
Assignment 5 - Continued - 14256_364
Assignment 5 - Continued - 14256_365
Assignment 5 - Continued - 14256_366
Assignment 5 - Continued - 14256_367
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