Figure 6-56. - Three-way service valve positions.
recovery method (fig. 6-57), a hose is connected to the low-side access point (compressor suction valve) through a filter-drier to the transfer unit, compressor suction valve. A hose is then connected from the transfer unit, compressor discharge valve to an external storage cylinder. When the transfer unit is turned on, it withdraws vapor refrigerant from the system into the transfer unit compressor, which, in turn, condenses the refrigerant vapor to a liquid and discharges it into the external storage cylinder.
In the liquid recovery method (fig. 6-58), a hose is connected to the low-side access point to the transfer unit compressor discharge valve. A hose is then connected from the transfer unit compressor suction valve through a filter-drier to a two-valve external storage cylinder. A third hose is connected from the high-side access point (liquid valve at the receiver) to the two-valve external storage cylinder. When the transfer unit is turned on, the transfer unit compressor pumps refrigerant vapor from the external storage cylinder into the refrigeration system, which pressurizes it. The difference in pressure between the system and the external storage cylinder forces the liquid refrigerant from the system into the external cylinder. Once the liquid refrigerant is removed from the system, the remaining vapor refrigerant is removed using the vapor recovery method as previously described.
Most recovery units automatically shut off when the refrigerant has been completely recovered, but check the manufacturer's operational manual for specific instructions. You should make sure that the
Figure 6-57. - The vapor recovery method.
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