Figure 1-53.Wood blocking for celling or wall-mounted fixtures.
Figure 1-54.Standard corner bead.
Figure 1-55.Multiflex tape bead.
Figure 1-56.Casing and trim beads.
hinges, locks, rubber stops, and weather stripping. The
windows are also integral to the system, prefabricated
and painted. These units may include interior and
exterior trim designed to accept 1/2-inch wallboard and
1/2-inch sheathing plus siding on the outside.
Plumbing is installed in prepunched stud webs.
Wiring is passed through insulated grommets inserted
in the prepunched webs of the studs and plates. Wall and
ceiling fixtures are mounted by attaching wood blocking
spaced between the flanges of the wall studs or trusses