Figure 2-44.-Shortening allowance of valley rafters suspendedridge method of intersecting roof framing.Figure 2-45.—Method of framing dormer without sidewalk.Figure 2-46.—Arrangement and names of framing membersfor dormer without sidewalls.Figure 2-47.—Valley rafter shortening allowance for dormerwithout sidewalls.As indicated in figure 2-44, the shorteningallowance of each of the short valley rafters is one-halfthe 45° thickness of the addition ridge. Each rafter isframed to the addition ridge with a single side cut.Figure 2-45 shows a method of framing a gabledormer without sidewalls. The dormer ridge is framedto a header set between a pair of doubled main-roof com-mon rafters. The valley rafters (AB and AC) are framedbetween this header and a lower header. As indicated inthe framing diagram, the total run of a valley rafter isthe hypotenuse of a right triangle with the shorter sidesequal to the total run of a common rafter in the dormer.Figure 2-46 shows the arrangement and names offraming members in this type of dormer framing.The upper edges of the header must be beveled tothe cut of the main roof. Figure 2-47 shows that in this2-29
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