Figure 2-20. - Possible long lead items.
estimator, the name of the checker, date checked, battalion and detachment number, location of deployment, year of deployment, project number, and a brief description of the project.
The Table of Allowance (TOA) for the NMCBs contain specific information on the quantities and characteristics of construction equipment available to the NMCBs. The TOA-01 contains equipment and tool kit descriptions. Kit descriptions are presented by their section and numerical sequence as listed in the NMCB TOA-01 followed by assembly numbers, as shown in figure 2-23. Also, refer to appendix B of the P405 for the complete listing of tool kits and equipment.
Preliminary labor estimates and detailed labor estimates are the two types covered in the following sections.
Use preliminary labor estimates to establish budget costs and to project labor requirements for succeeding projects and deployments. The estimates are prepared from limited information, such as general descriptions or preliminary plans and specifications, that contain little or no detailed information. In some eases, you can make a comparison with similar facilities of the same basic design, size, and type of construction. A good preliminary estimate varies less than 15 percent from the detailed estimate.
The NAVFAC P-437, Facilities Planning Guide, volume 1 (drawings on CD ROM) and volume 2 (materials list on diskette) is an excellent source for preliminary estimates. This manual can be used to find estimates for a wide range of facilities and assemblies most commonly constructed by the NCF. The NAVFAC,
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