TM 9-243Section II.SAFETY RULES (POWER TOOLS)Safety is a very important factor in the use of power toolsand cannot be overemphasized. By observing the fol-lowing safety guidelines, you can ensure maximumbenefits from the tools you use and reduce to a minimumthe chances of serious injury. operate any power equipment unless youare completely familiar with its controls andfeatures.Inspect all portable power tools before using them.See that they are clean and in good condition.Make sure there is plenty of light in the work area.Never work with power tools in dark areas whereyou cannot see clearly.Before connecting a power tool to a power source,be sure the tool switch is in the “OFF” position.When operating a power tool, give it your FULLand UNDIVIDED ATTENTION.DO NOT DISTRACT OR IN ANY WAY DISTURBanother person while they are operating a powertool.Never try to clear a jammed power tool until it isdisconnected from the power source.After using a power tool, turn off the power, dis-connect the power source, wait for all movement of9. tool to stop, and then remove all waste andscraps from the work area. Store the tool in itsproper place.Never plug the power cord of a portable electrictool into a power source before making sure thatthe source has the correct voltage and type ofcurrent called for on the nameplate of the tool.Do not allow power cords to come in contact withsharp objects, nor should they kink or come incontact with oil, grease, hot surfaces, orchemicals.Never use a damaged cord. Replace itimmediately.Check electrical cables and cords frequently foroverheating. Use only approved extension cords,if needed.See that all cables and cords are positioned care-fully so they do not become tripping hazards.Treat electricity with respect. If water is present inthe area of electrical tool operation, be extremelycautious and if necessary, disconnect the powertool.Section Ill. SAFETY EQUIPMENTSafety equipment is for you. It will protect you from injuryand may possibly save your life. Some of the morecommon types of safety equipment for your personalprotection follow.Safety shoes protect and prevent injury or loss of toes.Some safety shoes are designed to limit damage to yourtoes from falling objects. A steel plate is placed in the toearea of such shoes so that your toes are not crushed ifan object falls on them. Other safety shoes are designedSAFETY SHOESfor use where danger from sparking could cause anexplosion. Such danger is minimized by elimination ofall metallic nails and eyelets and the use of soles whichdo not cause static electricity.2-3
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