TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedOPEN END WRENCHES (Cont)The S-Shape wrench has a 22-1/2 degree offset. It isused to reach around obstructing objects.Ignition wrenches have the same size jaw opening onboth ends. However, one end of this wrench is offset 15degrees and the other end is offset 60 degrees. Ignitionwrenches are smaller in size, as they are used toremove components of automotive ignition systems.BOX WRENCHESA box wrench surrounds the nut, bolt head, or stud on allsides. It is available with both 6-point and 12-pointopenings. The 12-point opening is more common, as itmay be used on both square and hexagonal bolt heads.Box wrench openings are offset from the shank by 15degrees. A box wrench should be used whenever pos-sible, as it provides the best protection to both the userand the equipment. The major disadvantage of the boxwrench is that there must be enough clearance aboveand around the bolt head to place the wrench over thebolt head.The length of the box wrench depends upon the size ofthe opening. Some of the more common types of boxwrenches and their uses are shown below and onpage 25-4.The most common box wrench is the double offset boxwrench. It comes with a different size opening at eachend. The double offset wrench is used to remove normalnuts and bolts.25-3
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