The most common type of boiler in the NCF is the scotch marine. "Scotch marine" is a generic term that identifies a boiler with a furnace, which forms an integral part of the boiler assembly. This configuration allows for compact construction requiring only a small space for the capacity produced. Scotch marine boilers are package units consisting of a pressure vessel, burner, controls, draft fan, and other components assembled into a fully factory fire-tested unit. This provides an engineered unit equipped for quick installation and connection to services. As a first class petty officer, you will supervise personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of boilers. As a chief petty officer, you will be responsible for the general management of these plants. This chapter provides insight into many skills that you must develop to be a proficient supervisor/manager of a boiler plant.
When you are preparing to install a boiler, consider three basic factors-site location, accessories, and fittings. This section discusses each of these items. Proper installation of a boiler helps to ensure succesful operation. Always refer to the manufacturer's manuals, and follow your prints and specifications closely. By being thorough in your planning and execution of plans, you can prevent many future problems for operators and maintenance personnel.
Give careful consideration to site location for the construction of a boiler plant. Primarily, the cost in materials, manpower, and equipment is the most important factor effecting this selection. These costs can usually be reduced by locating the plant site as close as possible to the largest load demand facility, such as a galley or laundry.
When selecting a site for boiler installation, you must consider the availability of the following:
Natural site drainage
Attempt to avoid high pedestrian and vehicle traffic areas for safety reasons. Another item to consider is noise level. Noise pollution may cause discomfort for personnel, especially if the site being considered is adjacent to a berthing area.
These are factors you must consider when you become involved in selecting a boiler plant site. Each situation may include all, part, or more than these factors. You must look at each installation and evaluate the needs of that job.
Constructing the foundation or platform a boiler sits on requires skilled engineering and development. Follow the manufacturer's specifications. Boilers may vary in wet weight from 1.5 tons to more than 20 tons. A substantial
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