record cards are returned to the equipment history jacket whenever CESE is transferred or the card is full.
The Navy uses repair orders to specify, authorize, and control repairs on all USN-numbered equipment. The repair orders also serve as a reporting document from which information can be extracted to provide an activity with a complete picture of how their maintenance program is doing. They also provide complete historical cost and utilization information for each piece of CESE; therefore, the information contained on the repair orders must be neat, complete, and accurate. This cannot be overemphasized.
The Shop Repair Order (SRO) and its Continuation Sheet (figs. 1-4 and 1-5) are used mainly in Public Works activities. The SRO is a three-part snap out set. It is required each time labor exceeds 0.3 of an hour, or material is expended on a piece of USN-numbered equipment. Instructions for using an SRO are contained in the NAVFAC P-300 manual.
The Equipment Repair Order (ERO), NAVFAC Form 11200/41 (figs. 1-6 and 1-7). wasdesigned for use by all Naval Construction Force units to record types of repairs and the total time a piece of equipment is out of service. Accumulation of such data provides reliable information to plan the budget, to determine
Figure 1-4. - Shop Repair Order (SRO).
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