Figure 1-1. - Mobilization component (P-25) for a mobile construction battalion.
PROOF," indicates by line items the national stock numbers required to make the assembly operable. Assembly listings indicate the installed or collateral equipment provided. Certain installed or collateral equipment supplied by other SYSCOMs or bureaus are not furnished with the facilities or assemblies listed in the NAVFAC P-437. They must be ordered separately.
A breakdown of the component P-25, as shown in figure 1-1, is as follows: a brief header describing the mission and capabilities of the component. The site plan pertaining to each component is depicted by a NAVFAC drawing number. However, drawings in volume 1, part 1, are indexed by component designation, not drawing numbers. The word NONE appears for components that have no site plans. The facilities required to make the component operative are listed in numerical sequence by DOD category code. The alpha suffix for each facility designator indicates differences between sizes, types, or layouts of facilities for the same functional purposes. Facility capacity is expressed in terms of the units of measure used in the NAVFAC P-72. The component capacity is a multiplication of the facility capacity and the quantity. Weight and cube are measured in normal units for export packing. Weight and construction effort are computed using The Seabee Planner's and Estimator's Handbook, NAVFAC P-405. Average construction conditions are assumed and computations are based on normal Seabee skill levels.
You compute the total of the weight, cube, and dollar value columns by adding all facilities or assemblies required in both tropical and northern
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