Figure 1-7. - Trench shoring-minimum requirements.
The entire history of a Naval Construction Force (NCF) project is documented in the standard five- section project package. A list of the contents of the project package (Seabee Project Package) is shown in Table 1-4. A flowchart showing the sequence of planning steps is shown in figure 1-8. It is quite evident from looking at the contents of the project planning package and at figure l-8 that planning a project from the beginning to the end is an involved process. As a second class petty officer, you will be expected to prepare this type of project pack-age, to a certain extent. This manual covers just a few aspects of the project package folder. For more detailed information, you will need to study the Seabee Crewleader's Handbook, Operations Officer's Handbook, and Seabee Planner's and Estimator's Handbook, NAVFAC P-405 (Series).
The basic principle of the project package is to divide a project into smaller, controllable units and to set up a project history file. A project is usually received from the regiment level where it is divided into master activities. The next step is to further
Figure 1-8. - Project planning flowchart.
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