An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. Sometimes the same abbreviation is used for different words. The specific meaning of an abbreviation can be determined by its use on the blueprint. Abbreviations are used in notes or as specific characters on the blueprints. The area referred to will give a hint to the meaning of the abbreviation.
Symbols are used on blueprints to represent materials, equipment, electrical. mechanical, plan. elevations, and sections (figs. 2-2 through 2-9). They are used as a simple way of representing a fact. Most drawings have a legend of symbols which, when combined together with the specifications, describes a building thoroughly.
The schedule is a systematic method of presenting notes and information in a tabular form for the purpose of making it easily accessible to the craftsman and specification writer. One example of a commonly used lighting fixture schedule is shown in figure 2-10. Similar schedules such as the room finish schedule and the mechanical equipment schedule (not shown) are very helpful and also should be reviewed.
An architect cannot make his drawings full size. For convenience. he reduces all dimensions to some
Figure 2-2. - Electrical symbols.
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