Figure 8-8.-Leveling and plumbing first course of blocks for a wall.
footing and align the blocks accurately. Then, use a piece of material 3/8 inch thick to properly space the blocks. This helps you get an accurate measurement.
The third step is to replace the loose blocks with a full mortar bed, spreading and furrowing it with a
Figure 8-9.-Vertical joints.
Figure 8-10.-Checking each course at the corner.
trowel to ensure plenty of mortar under the bottom edges of the first course (figure 8-7, view 2). Carefully position and align the corner block first (view 3 of figure 8-7). Lay the remaining first-course blocks with the thicker end up to provide a larger mortar-bedding area. For the vertical joints, apply mortar only to the block ends by placing several blocks on end and buttering them all in one operation
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