PRELIMINARY.— Use preliminary manpower estimates to establish budget costs and to project manpower requirements for succeeding projects and deployments. The estimates are prepared from limited information, such as general descriptions or preliminary plans and specifications that contain little or no detailed information. In some cases, you can make a comparison with similar facilities of the same basic design, size, and type of construction. A good preliminary estimate varies less than 15 percent from the detailed estimate.
DETAILED.— Use detailed manpower estimates to determine the manpower requirements for constructing a given project and the total direct labor requirements of a deployment. Take the individual activity quantities from the activity work sheet to prepare detailed estimates. Then, select the man-hours per unit figure from the appropriate table in NAVFAC P-405 and multiply it by the quantity to obtain the total man-hours required. When preparing the activity estimates in the format discussed earlier, you may use a copy of the activity estimates as a manpower estimate work sheet by adding four columns to it with the headings of Activity, Quantity, Man-Hours Per Unit, and Total Man-Days Required. Work sheets, whether on the activity work sheet or on another format, should be prepared in sufficient detail to provide the degree of progress control desired. For example, the work sheets should show the following information:
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