Figure 2-29.Calculating common difference of gable-end studs.
ends of the building. The fascia rafters (fly rafters) are
The lengths of the other gable studs depend on the
placed between the ridgeboard and the fascia boards.
The gable studs should be cut to fit against the rafter
End Framing
Gable-end studs rest on the top plate and extend to
the rafter line in the ends of a gable roof. They may be
placed with the edge of the stud even with the outside
wall and the top notched to fit the rafter (as shown in fig.
2-28), or they maybe installed flatwise with a cut on the
top of the stud to fit the slope of the rafter.
The position of the gable-end stud is located by
squaring a line across the plate directly below the center
of the gable. If a window or vent is to be installed in the
gable, measure one-half of the opening size on each side
of the center line and make a mark for the first stud.
Starting at this mark layout the stud spacing (that is, 16
or 24 inches on center [OC]) to the outside of the
building. Plumb the gable-end stud on the first mark and
mark it where it contacts the bottom of the rafter, as
shown in figure 2-29, view A. Measure and mark
3 inches above this mark and notch the stud to the depth
equal to the thickness of the rafter, as shown in view B.
The common difference in the length of the gable
studs may be figured by the following method:
and, 2 x 6 inches (unit of rise) or 12 inches (common
The common difference in the length of the gable
studs may also be laid out directly with the framing
square (fig. 2-29, view C). Place the framing square on
the stud to the cut of the roof (6 and 12 inches for this
example). Draw a line along the blade at A. Slide the
square along this line in the direction of the arrow at B
until the desired spacing between the studs (16 inches
for this example) is at the intersection of the line drawn
at A and the edge of the stud. Read the dimension on the
tongue aligned with the same edge of the stud (indicated
by C). This is the common difference (8 inches for this
example) between the gable studs.
Toenail the studs to the plate with two 8d nails in
each side. As the studs are nailed in place, care must be
taken not to force a crown into the top of the rafter.