Knowing the total run of the hip rafter (21.21 feet)
and the total rise (10 feet), you can figure the line length
by applying the Pythagorean theorem. The line length
To find the length of a hip rafter on the basis of
bridge measure, you must first determine the bridge
measure. As with a common rafter, the bridge measure
of a hip rafter is the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle
with its altitude and base equal to the unit of run and unit
of rise of the rafter. The unit of rise of a hip rafter is
always the same as that of a common rafter, but the unit
of run of a hip rafter is a fixed unit of measure, always
The unit of run of a hip rafter in an equal-pitch roof
is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with its altitude and
base equal to the unit of run of a common rafter, 12.
Therefore, the unit of run of a hip rafter is:
If the unit of run of a hip rafter is 16.97 and the unit
of rise (in this particular case) is 8, the bridge measure
of the hip rafter must be:
This means that for every unit of run (16.97) the
rafter has a line length of 18.76 inches. Since the total
run of the rafter is 21.21 feet, the length of the rafter
must be the value of x in the proportional equation
16.97:18.76::21.21:x, or 23.45 feet.
Like the unit length of a common rafter, the bridge
measure of a hip rafter can be obtained from the unit
length rafter table on the framing square. If you turn
back to figure 2-16, you will see that the second line in
the table is headed LENGTH HIP OR VALLEY PER
FT RUN. This means per foot run of a common rafter
in the same roof. Actually, the unit length given in the
tables is the unit length for every 16.97 units of run of
the hip rafter itself. If you go across to the unit length
given under 8, you will find the same figure, 18.76 units,
that you calculated above.
An easy way to calculate the length of an
equal-pitch hip roof is to multiply the bridge measure
by the number of feet in the total run of a common rafter,
which is the same as the number of feet in one-half of
the building span. One-half of the building span, in this
case, is 15 feet. The length of the hip rafter is therefore
18.76 x 15, or 281.40 inches23.45 feet once
You step off the length of an equal-pitch hip roof
just as you do the length of a common rafter, except that
you set the square to a unit of run of 16.97 inches instead
of to a unit of run of 12 inches. Since 16.97 inches is the
same as 16 and 15.52 sixteenths of an inch, setting the
square to a unit of run of 17 inches is close enough for
most practical purposes. Bear in mind that for any plumb
cut line on an equal-pitch hip roof rafter, you set the
square to the unit of rise of a common rafter and to a unit
of run of 17.
You step off the same number of times as there are
feet in the total run of a common rafter in the same roof;
only the size of each step is different. For every 12-inch
step in a common rafter, a hip rafter has a 17-inch step.
For the roof on which you are working, the total run of
common rafter is exactly 15 feet; this means that you
would step off the hip-rafter cut (17 inches and 8 inches)
exactly 15 times.
Suppose, however, that there was an odd unit in the
common rafter total run. Assume, for example, that the
total run of a common rafter is 15 feet 10 1/2 inches.
How would you make the odd fraction of a step on the
hip rafter?
You remember that the unit of run of a hip rafter is
the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the other side
each equal to the unit of run of a common rafter. In this
case, the run of the odd unit on the hip rafter must be the
hypotenuse of a right triangle with the altitude and base
equal to the odd unit of run of the common rafter (in this
case, 10 1/2 inches). You can figure this using the
Pythagorean theorem
or you can set the square on a true edge to 10 1/2 inches
on the blade and measure the distance between the
marks. It comes to 14.84 inches. Rounded off to the
nearest 1/16 inch, this equals 14 13/16 inches.
To layoff the odd unit, set the tongue of the framing
square to the plumb line for the last full step made and
measure off 14 13/16 inches along the blade. Place the
tongue of the square at the mark, set the square to the
hip rafter plumb cut of 8 inches on the tongue and
17 inches on the blade, and draw the line length cut.