Butt each tile squarely to the adjoining tile, with thecomers in line. Carefully lay each tile in place. Do notslide the tile; this causes the adhesive to work upbetween the joints and prevents a tight fit. Takesufficient time to position each tile correctly. There isusually no hurry since most adhesives can be “worked’over a period of several hours.To remove air bubbles, rubber, vinyl, and linoleumare usually rolled after a section of the floor is laid. Besure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.Asphalt tile does not need to be rolled.After the main area is complete, set the border tileas a separate operation. To lay out a border tile, place aloose tile (the one that will be cut and used) over the lasttile in the outside row. Now, take another tile and placeit in position against the wall and mark a sharp pencilline on the first tile (fig. 6-10).Cut the tile along the marked line, using heavy-dutyshears or tin snips. Some types of tile require a specialcutter or they may be scribed and broken. Asphalt tile,if heated, can be easily cut with snips.Afler all sections of the floor have been completed,install the cove along the wall and around fixtures. Aspecial adhesive is available for this operation. Cut theproper lengths and make a trial fit. Apply the adhesiveto the cove base and press it into place.Check the completed installation carefully. Removeany spots of adhesive. Work carefully using cleaners andprocedures approved by the manufacturer.SELF-ADHERING TILE.— Before installingself-adhering tile, you must first ensure that the floorsare dry, smooth, and completely free of wax, grease, anddirt. Generally, tiles can be laid over smooth-facedresilient floors. Embossed floors, urethane floors, orcushioned floors should be removed.Self-adhering tile is installed in basically the sameway as previously mentioned types of tile. Remove thepaper from the back of the tile, place the tile in positionon the floor, and press it down.Table 6-2.—Estimating Floor TileEstimating Floor Tile Materialsto find the number of tiles needed, then add the wasteUse table 6-1 when estimating resilient floor tilematerials. This table gives you approximate square feetcoverage per gallon of different types of primer andadhesives. Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’sdirections. Table 6-2 provides figures for estimating thetwo sizes of tile most commonly used. After calculatingthe square feet of the area to be tiled, refer to the tablefactor.To find the number of tiles required for an area notshown in this table, such as the number of 9- by 9-inchtiles required for an area of 550 square feet, add thenumber of tiles needed for 50 square feet to the numberof tile needed for 500 square feet. The result will be 9796-7
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