with length 3 feet, height 4 feet, and hypotenuse 5 feet.In a large room, a 6:8: 10-foot triangle can be used. Toestablish this triangle, you can either use a chalk line ordraw the line along a straightedge.With the centerlines established, make a trial layoutof tile along the center lines. Measure the distancebetween the wall and last tile. If the distance is less than2 inches or more than 8 inches, move the centerline halfthe width of the tile (4 1/2 inches for a 9 by 9 tile) closerto the wall. This adjustment eliminates the need to installborder tiles that are too narrow. (As you will learnshortly, border tiles are installed as a separateoperation-after the main area has been tiled.) Checkthe layout along the other center line in the same way.Since the original center line is moved exactly half thetile size, the border tile will remain uniform on oppositesides of the room. After establishing the layout, you arenow ready to spread the adhesive.SPREADING ADHESIVE.— Before you spreadthe adhesive, reclean the floor surface. Using a notchedtrowel, spread the adhesive over one-quarter of the totalarea bringing the spread up to the chalk line but notcovering it. Be sure the depth of the adhesive is the depthrecommended by the manufacturer.The spread of adhesive is very important. If it is toothin, the tile will not adhere properly. If too heavy, theadhesive will bleed between the joints.Figure 6-10.—Layout of a border tile.Allow the adhesive to take an initial set before asingle tile is laid. The time required will vary from aminimum of 15 minutes to a much longer time,depending on the type of adhesive used. Test the surfacewith your thumb. It should feel slightly tacky but shouldnot stick to your thumb.LAYING THE TILE.— Start laying the tile at thecenter of the room. Make sure the edges of the tile alignwith the chalk line. If the chalk line is partially coveredwith the adhesive, snap a new one or tack down a thin,straight strip of wood to act as a guide in placing the tile.Table 6-1.—Estimating Adhesive for Floor Tile6-6
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