It isFigure 3-6.-Wood fiber roof decking at gable ends.ideally suited for built-up roofing, as well as forasphalt and wood shingles on all types of buildings.Wood fiber decking is available in four thicknesses:2 3/8 inches, 1 7/8 inches, 1 3/8 inches, and 15/16 inch.The standard panels are 2 inches by 8 feet withtongue-and-groove edges and square ends. The surfacesare coated on one or both sides at the factory in a varietyof colors.INSTALLATION.—Wood fiber roof decking islaid with the tongue-and-groove joint at right angles tothe support members. The decking is started at the caveline with the groove edge opposite the applicator. Staplewax paper in position over the rafter before installingthe roof deck. The wax paper protects the exposedinterior finish of the decking if the beams are to bestained. Caulk the end joints with a nonstaining caulkingcompound. Butt the adjacent piece up against thecaulked joint. Drive the tongue-and-groove edges ofeach unit firmly together with a wood block cut to fit thegrooved edge of the decking. End joints must be madeover a support member.NAILING.— Although the wood fiber roof panelshave tongue-and-groove edges, they are nailed throughthe face into the wood, rafters, or trusses. Face-nail6 inches OC with 6d nails for 15/16-inch, 8d for1 3/8-inch, 10d for 1 7/8-inch, and 16d for 2 3/8-inchthicknesses.If you aren’t going to apply the finish rootingmaterial immediately after the roof is sheeted, cover thedeck with building felt paper. The paper will protect thesheathing in case of rain. Wet panels tend to separate.Figure 3-7.-Sheathing details at chimney and valley openings.Roof decking that extends beyond gable-end wallsfor the overhang should span not less than three rafterspaces. This is to ensure anchorage to the railers and toprevent sagging (see figure 3-6). When the projection isgreater than 16 to 20 inches, special ladder framing isused to support the sheathing.Table 3-2.-Determining Roof Area from a Plan3-6
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