Figure 3-11.-Cornice construction: A. Finish rake for boxed cornice; B. Rake soffit of a sloped box cornice.The flat boxed cornice requires framing piecescalled lookouts. These are toenailed to the wall or to alookout ledger and face-nailed to the ends of the rafters.The lookouts provide a nailing base for the soffit, whichis the material fastened to the underside of the cornice.A typical flat boxed cornice is shown in figure 3-10,view A. For a sloped boxed cornice, the soffit materialis nailed directly to the underside of the rafters (fig. 3-10,view B). This design is often used on buildings withwide overhangs.The basic rake trim pieces are the frieze board, trimmolding, and the fascia and soffit material. Figure 3-11,view A, shows the finish rake for a flat boxed cornice.It requires a cornice return where the cave and rakesoffits join. View B shows the rake of a sloped boxedcornice. Always use rust-resistant nails for exteriorfinish work. hey may be aluminum, galvanized, orcadmium-plated steel.PREFABRICATED WOODAND METAL TRIMBecause cornice construction is time-consuming,various prefabricated systems are available that providea neat, trim appearance. Cornice soffit panel materialsinclude plywood, hardboard, fiberboard, and metal.Many of these are factory-primed and available in avariety of standard widths (12 to 48 inches) and inlengths up to 12 feet. They also maybe equipped withfactory-installed screen vents.When installing large sections of wood fiber panels,you should fit each panel with clearance for expansion.Nail 4d rust-resistant nails 6 inches apart along the edgesand intermediate supports (lookouts). Strut nailing at theend butted against a previously placed panel. First, nailthe panel to the main supports and then along the edges.Drive nails carefully so the underside of the head is justflush with the panel surface. Remember, this is finishwork; no hammer head marks please. Always read andfollow manufacturer’s directions and recommendedinstallation procedures. Cornice trim and soffit systemsare also available in aluminum and come in a variety ofprefinished colors and designs.Soffit systems made of prefinished metal panels andattachment strips are common. They consist of threebasic components wall hanger strips (also called friezestrips); soffit panels (solid, vented, or combination); andfascia covers. Figure 3-12 shows the typical installationconfiguration of the components. Soffit panels includea vented area and are available in a variety of lengths.Figure 3-12.-Basic components of prefinished metal soffitsystem.3-10
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