After about 15 panels (3 sets) are in place, measurethe building length at both ends (just above forms) andat the center of the arch. This measurement will seldombe exactly one foot per panel (usually slightly more),but should be equal for each panel. Adjust the ends toequal the center measure. Panels are flexible enough toadjust slightly. Check these measurements periodicallyduring building construction. Since exact buildinglengths are difficult to predict, the end wall attachingangle on the finishing end of building should not be putin place until all panels are set.After arches are in place, set the longest end-wallpanel in the form, plumb, and clamp it in place. Workfrom the longest panel outward and be careful tomaintain plumb.CONSTRUCTION DETAILSThe K-span building system is similar to other typesof preengineered or prefabricated buildings in thatwindows, doors, and roll-up doors can be installed onlywhen erection is completed. When insulation of thebuilding is required, insulation boards (usually 4 by 8feet) may be of any semirigid material that can be bentto match the radius of the building. The insulation isinstalled using clips, as shown in figure 9-37.When the integrity of the end-wall panels iscontinuous from ground to roof line, the end wallsbecome self-supporting. The installation of windows(fig. 9-38), and aluminum and wood doors (figs. 9-39and 9-40, respectively), presents no problem since theintegrity of the of the wall system is not interrupted.Figure 9-37.-Insulation.9-26
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