Figure 1-40.—First exterior wall stud layout.Figure 1-41.—Second exterior wall stud layout.Horizontal Plate LayoutAfter all the lines are snapped, the wall plates arecut and tacked next to the lines (fig. 1-38). The platesare then marked off for corner posts and regular studs,as well as for the studs, trimmers, and cripples for therough openings. All framing members must be clearlymarked on the plates. This allows for efficient anderror-free framing. Figure 1-37 shows a wall withframing members nailed in place according to layoutmarkings.A procedure for marking outside and inside comersfor stud-and-block corner post construction is shown infigure 1-39. For laying out studs for the first exteriorwall, see figure 1-40. In figure 1-40, the plates aremarked for the first stud from a corner to be placed 151/4 inches from the end of the turner. Studs after the firststud follow 16 inches OC layout. This ensures the edgesof standard-size panels used for sheathing or wallboardfall on the centers of the studs. Cripples are laid out tofollow the layout of the studs.A procedure for laying out studs for the secondexterior wall is shown in figure 1-41. The plates are1-23
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