Mount-OutWhen constructing mount-out boxes, observe thefollowing considerations:Screw nails (or flathead screws) and glue mustbe used to assemble the boxes.Covers must be bolted to tapped metal inserts,as shown in COMCBPAC/COMCBLANT-INST 3120.1, or an equivalent bolting method.Box interiors may be compartmented to suit thecontents.Gross weight of the boxes should be limited to250 pounds each for easy handling withoutmaterial-handling equipment.Boxes must be fabricated of 3/4-inch exterior-grade plywood, reinforced with 2 by 4 ends.Special boxes for large items are authorized,but should conform to the criteria set forth inCOMCBPAC/COMCBLANATINST 3120.1.Metal comers or other protection may be in-stalled to prevent shipping damage.Pre-positioned Stocks and SuppliesBecause of the mobile nature of the NCF, it isnecessary to pre-position certain supplies and equip-ment in anticipation of use in contingency mount-outs.These stocks include oil, gasoline, lubricants, rations,and ammunition, plus a full allowance of equipment.During a contingency mount-out, all or part of thesepm-positioned stocks may be used. As part of theplanning phase, NCF units should check the plan to besupported to determine the exact amount and types ofsupplies to be embarked and the location of thesupplies.RECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTEAlthough the following referenceswere current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currencycannot be assured. You therefore needto ensure that you are studying thelatest revisions.Automatic Building Machine Type K-Span OperatingManual, MIC-120 ABM, M.I.C. Industries, Inc.Naval Construction Force/Seabee Chief Petty Officer,NAVEDTRA 10600, Naval Education and TrainingCommand, Pensacola, Fla., June 1989.Naval Construction Force/Seabee Petty Officer FirstClass, NAVEDTRA 10601, Naval Education andTraining Command, Pensacola, Fla., December1989.9-33
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