Figure 2-28. - Start to start connector with a delay.
Figure 2-29. - Finish to finish connector with a delay.
REPRESENTATION of a DELAY, in certain cases, is used when there may be a “delay or lag” between the start of one activity and the start of another. In this case, the delay maybe indicated on the connector itself, preceded by the letter d, as shown in figure 2-28. Here, activity C may start; however, Activity D must wait two days before starting. The delay is stated in the basic time units of the project, so the word days can be omitted.
SPLITTING CONNECTORS are seldom used except when the network is of a great size. When two activities are remote and have to be connected, the lines tend to become lost or difficult to follow. In such cases, it is not necessary to draw a continuous line between the two activities. Their relationship is shown by circles with the following activity number in one and the preceding activity number in the other. In figure 2-30, both Activities 2 and 6 are dependent upon Activity 1.
You must put together realistic, workable schedules during the planning and estimating stages of a project if you hope to finish the tasking on schedule during the deployment. Crucial to a workable
Figure 2-30. - Splitting connectors.
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