Figure 2-1. - Title block.
other information provided in the title block is as follows:
Architect's name
Architect's seal
Drawing title
Date prepared
Designed by
Checked by
Drawing numbers
Name of local activity
Code ID number (80091 NAVFAC)
Letter designation
Size of drawing
Scale of drawing
ABFC drawing number (if applicable)
Approved by
There are many variations to title blocks. Depending on the preparing activity (NAVFAC, NCR, NMCB, A&E, etc.), all title blocks should contain the same information listed previously. The code ID number of the Federal Supply Code of Manufacturers (FSCM) "80091" is required in the title block of all NAVFAC drawings. The layout and title blocks are also shown in the American National Standard Institute (ANSI Y14.1-1980) manual.
NAVFACENGCOM drawing numbers issued to individual engineering field division are within the following limits:
NAVFACENGCOM headquarters retains custody of all of the numbers up to and including 1 999999 and all other drawing numbers not assigned. Each cognizant EFD is responsible for the control of assigned numbers and for issuing, assigning, and recording these numbers for its own use or the use of activities within its geographical area. Each activity maintains an assignment record including locations and drawing titles of drawing numbers assigned to it. Figure 2-2 is an example of a local activity, such as the Civil Engineering Support Office (CESO), using a drawing number assigned by the Western Division (WESTDIV). This title block is from the Facilities Planning Guide, NAVFAC P-437.
You may not use a NAVFACENGCOM assigned number for any other drawing, even though the drawing to which it has been assigned is not being used. Sometimes, because of extensive revision on a particular drawing, it becomes necessary to prepare a new drawing and to assign a new NAVFACENGCOM drawing number.
If you find major problems within a drawing, you can identify "who" prepared the drawing by these drawing numbers. However, make sure you communicate through your chain of command before contacting these divisions.
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