If floor damage requires replacement of strips or planks, the steps for the procedure are as follows:
1. Make two longitudinal cuts in the damaged strip or plank. (See fig. 7-2, view A.)
2. Remove the section between the two cuts by cutting the strip with a chisel at midpoint. (See fig. 7-2, view B.)
3. Remove the remainder of the damaged strip, taking care not to damage the tongues and grooves of adjoining boards. (See fig. 7-2, view C.)
4. Remove the lower part of the groove of the new closure strip or plank. (See fig. 7-2, view D.)
5. Insert the tongue of the closure into the groove of the adjoining board, and nail with two eightpenny annular ring finishing nails through the top surface. When possible, the end joints should be located so the nails will enter the joist. In new closure areas of flooring laid in mastic on concrete, remove the existing mastic and apply new mastic of the type recommended by the flooring manufacturer before installing the new closure.
6. Set exposed nails. (See fig. 7-2, view E.)
Figure 7-2. - Method of replacing tongue-and-groove flooring.
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