Figure 7-31. - Reinforcing vertical walls.
structures; and for fill for caissons and cellular structures. Earth that is exposed to wave action must usually be protected by riprap, cut stones, concrete blocks, or similar materials. The washing away of this protection exposes the earth to erosion by rain, waves, and currents. When the earth is eroded, it should be replaced and well compacted before replacing the protecting material. Where earth fill is supported by a bulkhead, cell, caisson, or similar structure, the supporting structure should be repaired and the fill replaced in layers with the coarser materials next to the bulkhead and the finer materials inboard. Layers must be compacted and consolidated. All materials for dikes and levees should be impermeable to prevent water from working through the structure. Vegetative covering is usually grown on the sides and top of earth structures to prevent erosion. Areas where vegetation has died or been damaged should be replanted.
This chapter does not attempt to give you all the tools necessary to inspect facilities and structures, but the information given you and the references listed below are what you need to provide proper maintenance procedures in the construction industry.
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