overhead door (fig. 9-21 ) does present a problem in that Finally, place the concrete (fig. 9-22) into the above it does interrupt the integrity of the wall system. This ground foundation forms. Take care not to slash situation is quickly overcome by the easily installed and excessive amounts of concrete above the rubberized adjustable (height and width) doorframe package that paint line. supports both the door and end wal1. This doorframe Figure 9-23 shows the fundamental steps in package is offered by the manufacturer. constructing a K-SPAN from start to finish.
ABM 240 When all the panels are in place and secured to the base angle, the next step is optional. Apply a rubberized There is another type of K-SPAN building, actually referred to as a Super Span by the manufacturer, the coat of paint to the base of the panels (interior/exterior) ABM 240. Actual construction of the ABM 240 is the to a height slightly above the finish concrete. This gives same as that for the ABM 120 (K-SPAN). It can use added protection to the metal panels exposed to the heavier coil stock and is a larger version. Figure 9-24 concrete.
Figure 9-22.—Placement of concrete foundation.
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