3.1 SURFACES AND CONDITIONS: Do not apply shingle roofing on surfaces that are unsuitable or that prevent a satisfactory application. Ensure that roof is smooth, clean, dry, and without loose knots. Cover Knotholes and cracks with sheet metal nailed securely to the sheathing. Properly flash and secure vents and other roof projections and drive projecting nails firmly home.
3.2 APPLICATION: The manufacturer's written instructions shall be followed for applications not listed in this specification and in cases of conflict with this specification.
3.2.1 Underpayment (for Roof Slopes 4 Inches Per Foot and Greater): Apply underpayment consisting (I) of one layer of NO. 15 asphalt-saturated felt to the roof deck. Lay felt parallel to roof eaves continuing from eaves to ridge, using 2-inch head laps, 6-inch laps from both sides over all hips and ridges, and 4-inch end lays in the field of the roof. Nail felt sufficiently to hold until shingles are applied. Turn underpayment up vertical surfaces not less than 4 inches.
3.2.1 Underpayment (for Roof Slopes (Between 2 inches and 4 inches Per Foot) (4 Inches Per Foot and (I) Greater)): Apply underpayment consisting of two layers of No. 15 asphalt-saturated felt to the roof deck. (J) Provide a 19-inches wide strip of felt as a starter sheet to maintain the specified number of layers throughout the roof. Lay felt parallel to roof eaves continuing from eaves to ridge, using 19-inch head laps in the field of the roof. Nail felt sufficiently to hold until shingles are applied. Confine nailing to the upper 17 inches of each felt. Turn underpayment up vertical surfaces not less than 4 inches.
3.2.2 Metal Drip Edges: Provide metal drip edges as specified in Section 07600, "Flashing and Sheet Metal," applied directly on the wood deck at the eaves and over the underpayment at the rakes. Extend back from the edge of the deck not more than 3 inches and secure with fasteners spaced not more than 10 inches on center along the inner edge.
(3.2.3 Eaves Flashing (for Roof Slopes 4 inches Per Foot and Greater): Provide eaves flashing strips (K) consisting of 55 -pounds or heavier smooth-surface roll roofing. The flashing strips shall overhang the metal orip edge 1.4 to 3.8 inch and extend up the slope far enough to cover a point 12 inches inside the interior face of the exterior wall. Where overhangs require flashings wider than 36 inches, locate the laps outside the exterior wall face. The laps shall be at least 2 inches wide and cemented. End laps shall be 12 inches and cemented.)
Figure 2-11. - Sample page from a NAVFACENGCOM guide specification.
The following specifications establish requirements mainly in terms of performance. Referencing these documents in project specifications assures the procurement of economical facility components and services while considerably reducing the number of words required to state such requirements.
Federal specifications cover the characteristics of materials and supplies used jointly by the Navy and other government agencies. These specifications do not cover installation or workmanship for a particular project, but specify the technical requirements and tests for materials, products, or services. The engineering technical library should have all the commonly used federal specifications that are pertinent to Seabee construction.
Military specifications are those that have been developed by the Department of Defense (DoD). Like federal specifications, they also cover the characteristics of materials. They are identified by DoD or MIL preceding the first letter and serial number.
Technical Society and Trade Association Specifications
Technical society specifications should be referenced in project specifications when applicable.
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