Modifications to previous projects
Work sheets from previous projects
Work element checklist (NAVFAC P-405)
Project turnover files
There are no specific definitions as to what constitutes an "activity," and it is largely a matter of individual interpretation according to the requirements of a particular project. A good rule is, DO NOT plan a project in any more detail than is necessary to manage the scheduling of the work properly. For most NCF projects, construction activities should not be less than 1 day in duration (preferably not less than 3 days). Refer to the Planner's and Estimator's Handbook, NAVFAC P-405 and the Seabee Crewleader's Handbook for more information on network analysis.
Two basic ground rules are involved in analyzing a project. First, planning and scheduling are separate operations. Second, planning must always precede scheduling. If you do not plan sequentially, you will end up with steps out of sequence which may delay the project substantially. Each NCF project from the initial planning phase through the execution phase to the closeout phase is documented in a standard five-section package. This section focuses on the planning phase of a project.
The project folder, or package, consists of five individual project files. These files represent not only the project in a paper format but they also give you, as the project crew leader, project manager, or crew member, exposure to the fundamentals of construction management. This package will be presented to OPS in phases; refer to the Seabee Crewleader's Handbook for more information pertaining to project management.
Listed below are the instructions needed to complete a typical NCF project package. The forms marked with an asterisk are mandatory on all projects. Small projects of short duration or ABFC projects may require only the mandatory forms. Other forms are used as needed. Forms may be computer generated but must be the same content as shown.
A. NCF Project Package Contents: To be placed at the beginning of the project package 3-ring binder.
B.Section #1 - General Information and Correspondence.
1. 1A Cover Sheet: Recommend using tabbed dividers for all section cover sheets.
a. *Tasking Letter/Correspondence: Distributed by S3 early in home port.
b. *Outgoing Messages and Correspondence: File in chronological order, oldest on bottom to newest on top.
c. *Incoming Messages and Correspondence: File in chronological order, oldest on bottom to newest on top.
2.1B Cover Sheet
a. Project Scope Sheet
b. Project Organization: In addition to this, include a compete list of all prime and sub personnel assigned to the project.
c. Project Planning Milestones: This list can be added to if necessary. Ops should be contacted when assigning dates.
d. Project Package Sign-Off Sheet: To be signed off prior to the RDE.
e. Deployment Calendar
f. Preconstruction Conference Summary
g. Predeployment Site Visit Summary
h. Joint Turnover Memorandum: This will be completed jointly by personnel from both battalions for turnover projects.
i. Pre-BOD Inspection Request: This will be completed by the crew leader two working days prior to the requested date of inspection.
C. Section #2 Activities and Network
1. 2A Cover Sheet
a. *Level II Bar Chart: Particular care should be taken in man-day totals recorded on this form. All numbers will match Level III calculations. Horizontal and vertical totals will match exactly.
b. *Two Week Schedule: This will be completed each week by the crew leader. The Company will present it to Ops at the weekly Ops meeting. The crew leader will brief the crew on this and post on the jobsite.Continue Reading