materials, and of the construction crew (line companies and detachments) in installing the materials in their proper locations depends greatly upon the efficiency with which the relative information is conveyed on the drawing (plans).
The material information most commonly placed in schedules relates to doors, windows, room finishes, lintels, and other structural elements. A DOOR SCHEDULE varies from being a bare minimum (for small jobs) to being extensive (for large projects). A door schedule may include the following: door number, quantity, mark or code number, type, size, material description, lintel, and remarks.
An example of a tabular door schedule is shown in table 2-1. Doors are commonly marked with a number or numbers and letters. Letter D is a common designation used for doors (sometimes enclosed in a circle or other shape).
A WINDOW SCHEDULE (table 2-2) provides an organized presentation of the significant window characteristics. Information often includes the following: mark, window type, size, required opening size, material type, lintel, and remarks. Windows are often marked with letters or letters with numbers. The letter W is used most commonly for window schedules.
A MATERIAL FINISH SCHEDULE (table 2-3) may include the following: room number, material finish for floors, walls, base, and remarks. Where several rooms in a row have an identical finish, a common practice is for the ditto mark(") or the initials DO is used. It is essential that you take care when making changes in the material finish used in a
Table 2-1. - Door Schedule
Table 2-2. - Window schedule
Table 2-3. - Material Finish Schedule
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