132 - Mixing, Placing, and Finishing Concrete
132 Skill Definition
.1 Skill Level 1
.01 Mix Concrete
.02 Place and finish concrete
.03 Maintain tools and equipment
.2 Skill Level 2
.01 Operate concrete machines
.02 Perform operator's maintenance on concrete machines
.03 Determine proportion of materials of standard mix by rule of thumb
.3 Skill Level 3
.01 Operate and maintain pumping machines.
Skill Level 1: Individual must use and explain common concrete construction terms; use and care of tools, equipment, and materials (including those from the Mason Tool Kit) used to mix, place, compact, screed, float, trowel, and tool concrete by hand; use and care for mechanical vibrators; and grind, point, and "sack rub" concrete surfaces.
Skill Level 2: Skill Level 1, plus operate and perform operator's maintenance on typical portable concrete mixers, hand-held finishing machines, and concrete saws; and designate standard mix and determine proportion of materials by "rule of thumb."
Skill Level 3: Individual must operate and perform operator's maintenance before, during, and after operation on pneumatic, or piston-type concrete pump; remove, connect and disconnect tube/hoseline from pump's manifold or nozzle; check and adjust pressure on hydraulic system; control and regulate flow of concrete; clear and clean out clogs; maintain concrete pumps (pneumatic, squeeze-crete or piston type) and associated accessories.
Figure 1-1. - Title and content of the PRCP Standards and Guides.
is identified in the guides by a capital letter (A, B, C, etc.). Capital letters are listed near the top, and how many are used varies from task to task. The first action statement in figure 1-2 is "Describe the sequence of steps of this procedure and explain the reasons for each." A matrix is used to show how the statements relate to the task elements.
To become familiar with the matrix, refer to task element 132.1.02, "Methods of finishing concrete." Under the task element subparagraph b, you find "troweling." When you follow this line and look to the right of this statement at the matrix, you will see Xs under letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. This indicates which action statements apply to this task element.
Use a positive approach when you interview. The interviewee either "knows" or "doesn't know" the skill and the interviewer must make this determination.
You are to begin the interview by reading the task aloud. This directs the interviewee's concentration to the right area. Then rephrase the task in your own words. For example, you could rephrase it as follows:
"Describe the sequence of steps in 'troweling' a concrete slab to a smooth finish, and explain the reasons for troweling. "Continue Reading