an individual acquire the necessary knowledge, skill, and habits to perform a specific job. This definition implies that job training applies not only to the Construction man or to new personnel in an organization but also to any other person assigned to a new job. Furthermore, OJT is a continual process among Seabees. No one is completely trained; we are constantly learning new techniques (tricks of the trade) every time we work on a project.
However, remember that OJT is an active process, and it requires supervisors to be aware of the needs of the trainees and to motivate them to learn.
Use methods that add meaningful experiences to the trainee's storehouse of knowledge, listen to suggestions, and give precise direction. Then you, as a crew leader and project supervisor, will gain proficiency.
A supervisor who does a good job of training personnel benefits in many ways. For one thing, well-trained crew members brag about their supervisor, especially to their buddies in other crews. When you have a valuable skill, knowledge, or attitude and impart either of the same to ten others, you have multiplied your effectiveness considerably.
When conducting OJT, you must tailor the training methods around the nature of the subject, the time available, and the capabilities of the trainee.
No other method of training is as effective, as intelligent, or as interesting as coach-pupil instruction. In addition to being a quick way of fitting anew worker into the operation of a unit, it serves as one of the best methods of training, because without specific directions and guidance, a worker is likely to waste time and material and form bad work habits.
Many industries have apprenticeship programs designed to train workers in a trade or skill. Most apprentice training consists of both coach-pupil instruction with skilled worker supervision and periodic group instruction.
Self- study is important for the OJT trainee and you are to encourage the practice of it. Skilled and semiskilled jobs require a considerable amount of job knowledge and judgment ability. Even in simple jobs, there is much basic information a worker must learn. However, the more complicated technical jobs involve highly specialized technical knowledge and related skills that must be taught.
Group instruction is a practical adjunct to direct supervision and self-study. It is a time-saver when several workers need the same job-related knowledge or procedures. The supervisor or trainer can check training progress and clarify matters the trainees find difficult to understand. Group instruction, when intelligently used, speeds up production. For example, suppose you have six trainees learning the same job. Four of the trainees are having trouble with a certain job element, while the other two have learned it. The four people having trouble can be brought over to the other two, and in a short time, the difficulty will most likely be solved. In OJT, this is called group instruction. As you can see, group instruction is not the same as classroom or academic instruction.
For instance, a crew member asks you for information and you supply it. That is piecemeal instruction. A supervisor's orders are, in a sense, a piecemeal method of instruction because they should let others know what, when, where, how, and why. Other examples of piecemeal instruction are explaining regulations, procedures, and orders; holding special meetings; indoctrinating a new person; and conducting organized meetings.
In any type of effective training in which one individual is working directly under the supervision of another, the trainers and trainees must understand the objectives of the training. Factors, deserving your careful consideration as a supervisor, include determining the trainees training needs, defining the purpose of training, and explaining or discussing job training concerns with the trainees.
In determining training needs, it is often a good idea for you to interview the trainees. Through proper questioning you can get a summary of their previously acquired skills and knowledge related to the job. You should compare jobs the trainees know how to do with those they will be doing. Then determine the training needs (required knowledge and skills minus the knowledge and skills the trainees already possess). Training needs should be determined for each job pertaining to the trainee's position assignment. Next, analyze the job to be done and have all the necessary equipment and materials available before each job training situation.
When you define the purpose of training, clearly explain the purpose of the job, the duty, or the task to
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