Prefabricated panels of AM-2 matting.
On-site-assembled traffic surface panels prepared from prefabricated bolt-together panels.
On-site preparation of fiber glass mats.
Typically, ABFC P-36 is provided to an advanced naval airbase located in friendly territory for rapid runway repair. ABFC P-36 is also included with the ABFCs to be deployed with the NCF participating in the seizure, construction, and occupation of an advanced naval airbase in enemy territory.
All U.S. military services have evaluated rapid runway repair extensively. Presently, the U.S. Navy incorporates the methods and standards set forth in U. S'.
93-12 (AFR-93-12), which furnishes detailed guidance for rapid runway repair. This regulation lists and defines the use of specific equipment, materials, and manpower requirements necessary to repair a war-damaged runway. Air Force regulations of this type are similar in format and purpose to a U.S. Navy Instruction.
Other than the ABFC Component P-36, other facilities within the ABFC system for rapid repair of airfield support are as follows:
Facility 121 OOWD - War damage repair kit for aircraft fuel station
Facility 124 OOWD - War damage repair kit for ready-fuel storage
Facility 125 OOWD - War damage repair kit for POL pipeline
Facility 136 OOWD - War damage repair kit for airfield
When the previous facilities are incorporated with the P-36 and P-25 components, it greatly enhances the capability of the NCF to respond to a hostile action scenario directed against the United States or allied air facilities.
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