Figure 2-2. - Equipment Repair Order (ERO), NAVFAC 11200/41 (back).
All requisitions for not in stock (NIS) and not carried (NC) material must pass through the DTO clerk. The individual assigned as DTO clerk will maintain the DTO Log (fig. 2-9), Repair Parts Summary Sheets (fig. 2-10), deadline file, and deadline status board. The DTO clerk is also responsible for receipt and turn-in of DTO repair parts and for maintaining the DTO parts storage room.
The technical librarian is responsible for all of the CESE maintenance, parts, and operators' manuals assigned to the NCF unit. The librar- ian works according to COMCBPAC/COMCB- LANTINST 5600.1 series in establishing the inventory and enforcing check-out procedures, Replacement manuals for older CESE are normally expensive and hard to obtain. Without these publications, CESE cannot be properly maintained, repaired, or operated, and the unit is largely "dead in the water." The technical librarian maintains all required reference materials, such as microfiche, COSAL, and so forth, needed to research and initiate parts requisitions. The technical librarian normally researches and prepares parts requisitions to free the floor mechanic to perform maintenance functions.
The purpose of the battalion maintenance program is to keep CESE in a constant safe and
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