COSAL Change Reporting The configuration change report (CCR) is those changes that result from equipment additions, deletions, or modifications, or COSAL errors. These equipment changes are reported according to the Seabee Supply Manual, COM2ND/COM3RDNCB- INST 4400.3 series, and the Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, using a CCR.
The PM/COSAL coordinator prepares a Ship's Configuration Change Form, OPNAV 4790/CK, to document an equipment change. A job sequence log (3000 series) is established and maintained by the PM/COSAL coordinator. The PM/COSAL coordinator assigns a four-digit job sequence number (JSN) to every change reported. When completed, the form is routed to S-4. Supply makes sure that the CCR is complete and accurate. Procedures to prepare a CCR are outlined in the Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485.
CCRs are distributed as follows:
- The original goes to SPCC via 2ndNCB logistics officer (N4) or 3rdNCB DET LOG REP.
- A copy goes to the permanent camp files maintained by the PM/COSAL coordinator.
- A copy is retained by the supply department (S-4) according to the job control sequence.
The allowance change request (ACR) is those requests for repair parts allowance changes being made by using the ACR form. Additions, deletions, or quantity increases/decreases to any published allowance list are documented on NAVSUP 1220-2. The camp maintenance storeroom custodian, with help from the supply officer, prepares ACRs for any repair part stock level changes recommended by the camp maintenance organization. The NAVSUP 1220-2 is prepared per the instructions on the reverse side of the form.
ACRs are distributed as follows:
- The original goes to SPCC via 2ndNCB logistics officer (N4) or 3rdNCB DET LOG REP.
- A copy goes to the permanent camp fries maintained by the PM/COSAL coordinator.
- A copy is retained by the supply department (S-4).
The supply department processes all the changes on receipt of the SPCC-approved request. Both copies of the camp CO SAL are updated. Requests disapproved by SPCC are returned to the originating camp for inclusion in the permanent camp files. COSAL additions, deletions, and adjustments incident to approved CCRs/ACRs are processed according to NAVSUP P-485.
There are two basic types of equipment in Seabee material management. This section covers defining, funding, managing, and marking of collateral and PSE.
Collateral equipment is commonly referred to as class III and class IV plant property and minor property. Collateral equipment consists of noninstalled equipment used in day-to-day operations of the camp. Examples include portable washers/dryers, window air conditioners, galley and dining facility equipment and furnishings, shop equipment, and office furniture and labor-saving devices not included in the augment table of allowance (TOA).
PSE is commonly referred to as habitability items. These consist of furniture and furnishings in unaccompanied officer, chief petty officer, and enlisted living quarters including rooms, lounges, and dayrooms. Examples include beds, mattresses, wardrobes/lockers, desk chairs, lamps, carpets, and drapes. Bedding (bed sheets, pillows, pillow cases, and blankets provided for living quarters) also is included in this equipment category.
Funding for collateral equipment/PSE is 03 OPTAR. Funds from 03 OPTAR are used to fund all personnel support and collateral equipment requirements. BEQ/BOQ managers, department heads, and company commanders monitor equipment condition and identify requirements to the 2ndNCB/3rdNCB DET. The 2ndNCB/3rdNCB DET reviews requirements, does a replacement versus repair analysis, and provides requirements to the CMO for inclusion in the camp maintenance plan. All NAVSUP 1250-1s are forwarded from the CMO to the supply department for approval via the 2ndNCB/ 3rdNCB DET OIC. Figure 6-19 details the steps for a collateral equipment/PSE replacement within local authority.
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