Preventive Maintenance
The supply officer puts out a PM schedule for checked-out power tools. Colored tapes identify the month the PM was performed Maintenance should be done at night to minimize impact on the construction effort. CTR makes every effort to replace tools that are not fit for re-issue. All power tools and extension cords are safety checked and color coded before issue.
Crew leaders are held responsible for the tools used by their crews. The company commander authorizes each crew leader to draw tools required by the crew. At the discretion of the commanding officer, one alternate individual per crew also may be assigned authority to draw tools. However, the crew leader remains responsible for the tools issued and their use. The crew leader must maintain complete tool kits at all times. If shortages are discovered during an inventory, the crew leader must turn in the 1250-1s and initiate surveys when required.
Besides tool and tool kit use, crew leaders need to keep the following responsibilities in mind:
Assignment of tools within the crew
Proper use and care of assigned tools by the crew ..
Reservation of tools held in custody, but not in use
Security of assigned tools
You must make every effort to use TOA or augment tools to perform necessary work before renting tools for the job. Rental tools and equipment can be obtained, for use in place of deadline equipment, only if repair parts are not available. For tools and equipment in use on other projects, replacements can be rented
only if the tools or equipment will not be available to meet a firm commitment.
The tasked battalion must be sure that any special tools required to complete a project are included on the BM along with attachments, consumables, and operating and maintenance manuals.
Tools purchased with project funds must be offered to the customer upon completion of the project. Tools rejected by the customer are retained by the battalion as augment only if the tools are needed on upcoming projects. The battalion must report the tool transfer to the controlling regiment along with justification for the transfer.
Augment tools obtained solely for a specific project are disposed of according to the controlling regiment's instructions. A battalion must justify keeping any specific project tools. This justification must be based on future tasking needs.
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