Maintain a stock record card (NAVSUP 1114) for all kits, each individual hand and power tool, and all augment tools.
Establish a file of signature authorization cards that identify those individuals authorized to draw CTR tools.
Keep two kit inventory lists for each organic and augment kit on board Augment tools/equipment lists are provided by the respective NCRs. The master inventories are kept by the CTR kit custodian. The duplicates are provided with the kits and are maintained by the crew leader.
CTR maintains a custody file for each loaned/issued tool. Fill out a 1250-1 for each tool. File the 1250-1 alphabetically by company/department and under the individual's name. CTR also maintains a PM card for each power tool.
Inventory the tool kits every 2 weeks. Inventory monthly, kit numbers 80002, 80005, 80008, 80011, 80012, 80014, 80015, 80016, 80017, 80021, and 80026.
Inventory the kits in CTR custody at the time of issue and return. If the seal is broken for reasons other than PM or to replace a due-in tool, do an inventory as soon as possible.
Be sure kits are inventoried by the crew leader and the inventory verified by the company commander/company chief. CTR conducts spot inventories in the field. The kit inventory list is used for the inventory. The company commanders submit a report of completion to the supply officer.
Document any shortages not previously reported on a 1250-1. The crew leader keeps the yellow copy and forwards the remaining copies to the CTR kit custodian. When the pink copy comes back from CTR, the crew leader enters the Julian date and serial number of the requisition (block B) under the DEPT NR column of the inventory list and discards the yellow copy. When the tool is received, he/she lines out the quantity short and requisition number and discards the pink copy.
A 1250-1 is used to draw tools/tool kits from CTR. The requester fills in blocks 1, 2, 8, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 30b and has it signed by the approving authority. The 1250-1 is then turned in to CTR and the issuing process begins.
For individual tools, the CTR verifies the approving signature, makes the issue, falls in blocks 5 and 7 of the 1250-1, and obtains a
legible receipt signature. If augment or project tools are involved, a comment is made in the Remarks block. The yellow copy of the 1250-1 goes to the requester and the remaining copies go to the stock battery storekeeper for posting on the back of the stock record card. The 1250-1, minus the yellow copy, is then placed in the custody files under the name of the requester.
Tool kit issue works much the same way. The requestor submits a properly prepared and approved 1250-1 to the CTR kit custodian. The CTR kit custodian makes the issue, files the green copy in the appropriate master kit inventory folder, gives the yellow copy to the requester, and forwards the remaining copies to the CTR counterperson for filing in the custody file under the name of the requester.
Returning tools or tool kits to the CTR is easier than drawing them. The counterperson inspects the returned tool for cleanliness and serviceability. After removing the 1250-1 from the custody file, he/she annotates block 29 of the 1250-1 with the date of the return. Counter personnel forward the pink copy to the stock battery storekeeper, attach the green copy to the tool, and return the remainder to the requester. Power tools should be delivered to the PM shop for a safety check. The green copy of the 1250-1 is removed when tools are returned to their location after the safety checks.
The kit custodian inspects the returned kits and then forwards the green copy to the counterperson. The 1250-1 is then removed from the custody file. Before the kit will be accepted by the CTR, any shortages must be documented!
When there are lost or broken tools, the counterperson removes the 1250-1 from the custody file and writes "broken" or "lost" in block 29 and forwards the 1250-1 to the records keeper. The records keeper posts the issue to the front of the 1114 and lines out the corresponding entry on the reverse. The 1250-1 is then processed for stock replenishment. The survey paper work is forwarded to the supply office.
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