Formal embarkation schooling prepares only a small portion of the unit's personnel to conduct an orderly mount-out. Within each unit, periodic formal embarkation training briefings must be held to indoctrinate fully all personnel with specific responsibilities in the embarkation field. These training briefings assist those key petty officers who must transform the planning into reality. All officers and key company and department personnel must have a working knowledge of the embarkation sequence to prepare their respective company/department adequately for mount-out. All formal training must be conducted according to COMSECOND/COM- THIRDNCBINST 1500.20.
Loading aboard a ship or aircraft presents problems in the loading of vehicles. This is especially true of heavy construction equipment. To provide rapid embarkation and to prevent vehicle damage, you must give personnel prior training in the loading of these complex pieces of equipment. Embarkation exercises must be carefully designed to provide training and practical experience to drivers, equipment operators, and loading personnel. These exercises must be conducted at frequent intervals so an adequate number of capable and experienced loading personnel are available at all times.
COMSECOND and COMTHIRD NCB will schedule, as a minimum, one amphibious/MSC/air exercise per deployment. All exercise simulations within the exercise scenario must be approved by COMSECOND/COMTHIRD NCB. The scope and specific directions for the exercise will be specified in the EXERCISE-OPORD issued by COMSECOND or COMTHIRD NCB. Additional exercises maybe called when the battalion is assigned one of the contingency designations of the Atlantic or Pacific Fleet's NCF. This exercise is designed to determine the unit's capability to fulfill mission requirements.
The appropriate home-ported NCR will schedule, as a minimum, one mobilization exercise during each battalion's home port period. This exercise will test the ability of the battalions to mount-out from home port. One or all of the exercise types, air detachment, air echelon, and sea echelon, will be scheduled.
Static load exercises are provided to familiarize NCF personnel with the different types of AMC aircraft. These exercises should be used with the AMC affiliation planning/loading courses. Personnel and equipment are provided by the requested organization.
The intent of this training is to exercise both the Air Force and the NCF personnel in their joint capability to load, move, and unload troops and cargo in a no-notice emergency environment.
Embarkation planning and preparation of personnel, supplies, and equipment to conduct an amphibious operation or air movement are expensive in terms of time and manpower. Remember, embarkation efficiency is usually directly proportional to the time and effort spent in developing and preparing the plan. A well-developed plan usually reduces the time and effort required for embarkation. Well- developed plans help ensure that the embarkation is orderly, efficient, and effective. Staff officers responsible for embarkation must be sure that embarkation is executed on schedule according to the timetable that has been established by their command or by higher authority.
Upon receipt of an initiating order from higher authority to mount-out and deploy, the executive officer or second in command, such as the AOIC, must implement the MOCC. The MOCC controls, coordinates, and monitors the movement of all personnel, supplies, and equipment to the embarkation staging area. The MOCC usually has authority to establish traffic control, issue movement orders to units concerned, and control transportation used in the embarkation mount-out. The MOCC also coordinates and schedules the movement of personnel, supplies, and all related equipment from the storage areas, warehouses, or unit's base camp area to the staging area for embarkation. Within an NCF unit, the MOCC, with the embarkation staff, has the function of controlling all aspects of an NCF mount-out. The MOCC serves as the coordinating center for all of the companies and all of the staff section heads.
The ability to evaluate, process, and disseminate information is of utmost importance to the functioning
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