Table 3-1.-Requisition Lead Times
items that are easily pilfered. With a little prior planning and your 2-week windows, you can have the materials you need, when you need them, and not worry about damage or theft.
When a job is completed, all remaining materials must be offered to the customer. Materials the customer does not want are stored in MLO for 6 months. This material is listed in the excess file, and you can use any material off it on your project free of charge using a dummy requisition number. MLO routinely publishes this excess list. Screen the excess list before writing an add-on BM. Remember that material is only kept 6 months so look ahead to activities you will complete 3 or 4 months down the road. If you need a particular line item, let MLO know so they do not send it to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). The borrow file is a dangerous tool. If you need material on your job and MLO has the identical item waiting for another job, the operations officer can authorize you to use it. Use of this borrowed item is allowed only if MLO can replace it before the project's start date.
Most paints, glues, and adhesives have a shelf life. If you order these materials too early, their shelf life may be expired by the time you use them. MLO has a computer to track shelf life and may extend that shelf life depending on the condition of the material. Monitor shelf life, but do not dispose of old materials without first checking quality.
The SAMMS (Seabee Automated Mobile Management System) computer system is a fully automated management system that has a program for MLO. Items the computer tracks that can help you include the following:
* Received materials
* Borrowed material
* Materials due
* Hazardous material
* Excess material
* Shelf life data
Use MLO and these programs to your advantage. One of the handiest reports from the computer is the materials due report. This report provides a list, by project, of all materials ordered but not received. MLO should provide a materials due report for each project every 2 weeks. The Ops meeting is a convenient place for companies to mark up these reports for materials needed. If the companies tell MLO which materials are needed in the next 30, 60, or 90 days, MLO can take appropriate action to ensure the materials are on hand when needed. Supply will help you only if you work closely with them and plan ahead. Your lack of prior planning is not a reason for them to give you a higher priority or better service.
As a crew leader you need to be familiar with the proper care and maintenance of the equipment your personnel use. In this section of the chapter we will discuss first echelon maintenance, preventive maintenance, and general requirements as per the COMSECOND/ COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.1 series.
Every operator of equipment should ensure the following:
1. Equipment is operated according to established procedures and all safety precautions are rigidly observed.
2. Transportation of passengers is based on authorized trips and for official business only. Picking up hitchhikers is strictly forbidden!
3. All construction and material handling equipment is authorized for assigned construction tasks only. Construction equipment is not to be used for transporting personnel.
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