Avoid mixing unlike types of waste. Do no mix waste paint timer in a waste oil drum. The Navy sells uncontaminated waste oil for a profit. If only minor amounts of any other substance are present in the waste oil, the Navy must pay high prices for analysis and disposal. The best method for disposal is properly labeling the materials and returning them, unmixed to the supply department. Each container must be clearly labeled, preferably with the BM line item or other supply tracking documentation. It is always best to check with the battalion MLO staff or safety office for proper disposal procedures.
This chapter does not attempt to tell all you need to know about environmental pollution. For specific information, refer to the following manuals or instructions: .
Domestic Wastewater Control, MIL-HDBK 1005/8 .
Environment and Natural Resources Projection Manuals, OPNAVINST 5090.1 series and 5090.2 series l
Groundwater Pollution Control, DM 5.14 l
Hazardous Waste Storage Facilities, MIL-HDBK 1005/13 .
Industrial and Oily Wastewater Control, MIL-HDBK 1005/9 .
NCF Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual, COM2NDNCB/COM3RDNCBINST 5100.1 seriesContinue Reading