Table 2-3. - Percent Deviation
activities not started, the man-days remaining will equal the original man-day estimate for that master activity. For master activities under construction you must calculate the completion status of each individual construction activity. Construction activities that are 100 percent complete has zero man-days remaining. Construction that has not begun has man-days remaining equal to the original man-day estimate. If a construction activity with an original estimate of 20 man-days is 25 percent complete, the man-days remaining is 15. There are 15 man-days remaining because 75 percent of the work is left to be done and 75 x 20/100 equals 15.
Man-days expended have nothing to do with percent complete and are not included in the SITREP when it leaves the battalion. It is included on the SITREP feeder so the company staff and the Ops department can see where your man-days have gone. The man-days expended may be used for insight into why a particular project is behind. The total man-days expended is also needed to update the level II with actual progress and cumulative man-days expended.
The SITREP feeder also has several lines for comments. This is for the crew leader's draft input for the SITREP. The battalion must include in its SITREP brief comments describing work performed since the last SITREP. Remember, if the actual WIP is less than the scheduled WIP, the delay must be explained and a plan for getting the project back on schedule must be included.
With the information from your SITREP input, the battalion can now formulate the situation report. A message SITREP must be submitted monthly by the battalion within 3 workdays after the last day of each month. The report includes all tasked projects listed in increasing numerical sequence. Once construction has started on a project, the project is considered as active and is not removed from the report until such time as the project has been accepted as totally complete by the RO1CC. Once a project has been completed, and a UCD/BOD (usable completion date/beneficial occupancy date) has been established, it may be deleted from future reports.
All SITREPs include a project status summary by location. This summary provides project WIP, remaining project man-days, and completion date percentage data. The status summary also contains a brief description of the work accomplished during the reporting period for each project. Each location must be detailed as a separate subparagraph. For projects for which no work was accomplished during the reporting period, the master activities status and activities reporting lines may be shown as no report. However, when no work is accomplished, the reason for a no work status must be adequately explained in the comments lines as part of the status explanation.
During the home port planning process, 2ndNCB/3rdNCB will discuss UCDs with the battalion as required. This discussion ensures that applicable information is considered when
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