b. Desk personnel provide the requestor with the service call identification number assigned from the service call log book. The first digit of the number indicates the last digit of the current fiscal year. The remaining digits give the chronological order in which the form was issued. For example, the 52nd form issued in FY93 would have the number 3/52.
c. Trouble desk personnel complete five copies of the service form and enter the required information in the service call log.
d. Desk personnel forward all copies of the form to the maintenance chief for review and approval. The maintenance chief initials the form in the top right corner. In case of an emergency, the desk personnel immediately notify the appropriate shop or individuals! Notification is done before completing the form, so that emergency work may begin immediately.
e. After approval by the camp maintenance chief, the trouble desk personnel forward the white and green copies to the work center performing the task. The white copy goes to the craftsman doing the work, and the green copy is retained by the work center supervisor. The blue copy is pulled and forwarded to the customer as proof there is an active ESA. The pink copy is retained by the trouble desk and filed in the work center categories in the "outstanding form" file. The yellow copy is an extra copy. In the 3rdNCB, this yellow copy can be retained in a file of ESA-funded host command MRP funds.
f. When work is completed, the trouble desk personnel log the service form as complete in the service call log, destroy the pink copy, and file the white form in the appropriate facility history jacket. If the ESA form has been canceled or converted to a work request, enter the reason for cancellation or the work request number under the Remarks section.
g. The trouble desk also maintains a pink copy on file for all ESAs referred to other companies for accomplishment. The desk personnel file the ESA form in the facility file when completed.
3. Maintenance Chief Action
a. The maintenance chief reviews requested work for accurate, complete, and proper information.
b. If the request is beyond the scope of service work or is not an emergency, the chief forwards it to the planning and estimating (P&E) section (via the trouble desk) to develop a specific job order. If the request is for construction or alteration work, the form is returned to the requestor (via the trouble desk for cancellation). The form must indicate that the requested work was beyond the scope of a service call that requires a work request to be submitted.
c. If the form is for service work, the maintenance chief authorizes accomplishment by initialing the form and forwarding it to the appropriate shop (via the trouble desk).
d. When work is completed and signed by the customer, the chief reviews the completed form and forwards it to the trouble desk.
4. Shop Foreman Action
a. When a service form is received from the maintenance chief, the shop foreman integrates the work into the shop schedule as the priority (emergency/routine) of the job dictates and workload permits. The foreman should assign emergency forms that same day and handle routine calls within 36 hours.
b. When work is complete, the job foreman makes sure the service form is marked correctly. The form should describe the problem found, the corrective action taken, name, date started, date completed, and a brief summary of the quality/description of materials used.
c. Lastly, the foreman makes sure that all service forms for completed service work are signed by the requestor (or senior individual present) before returning them to the maintenance chief.
5. CMO Action
The CMO must review the trouble call log at least weekly.
Work requests are used for camp maintenance work that exceeds 16 hours. This work is designated as a specific job order. Work requests are initiated by completion of blocks 1 through 8 (except block 2) of the customer request form (fig. 6-7) and submission of the form to the company commander/department head through the normal chain of command. All work requests go to the department head/company commander for screening. Block 10 of the work request must be signed by the department head/company commander or his/her designated representative before BRAVO company can accept
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