the request. Figure 6-8 shows the major action steps for a specific job order.
During the development of specific job orders, BRAVO company must exercise caution to prevent increasing the amount of work required to complete a job. Work cannot be segregated or increased to avoid approval requirements. All projects must result in complete and usable products. See OPNAV INSTRUCTION 11010.20 series for details.
The maintenance chief is responsible for the following actions:
1. The maintenance chief obtains a rough estimate for the work from the camp maintenance P&E section and enters it in block 13 of the work request.
2. Depending on the estimated cost, the maintenance chief must obtain approvals from the authorities (2ndNCB/3rdNCB DET reviews all work for compliance with camp master plan). See table 6-2 for the relationship between approval authority, cost, and construction.
3. The maintenance chief sends the work request to the approval authority via the chain of command for review. Blocks 15 through 17 of the request form are reviewed and the approved work request is returned to the maintenance chief. The CMO completes block 9 for funds chargeable. The CMO normally approves local authority work requests and submits them directly to the 2ndNCB/3dNCB DET.
4. For those projects within the battalion&'s approval authority, the maintenance chief performs the following:
a. Assigns a specific JON of the format MCD-XXX-YY. The XXX is the chronological order in which the work request was received and YY is the fiscal year. A log of MCD numbers should be maintained, and XXX should run through 999 before going back to 001 regardless of fiscal year.
b. Forwards one copy of the work request to the requester to provide feedback on the action taken.
c. Based on the priority of work and funds availability, plans and estimates the work using the cost estimating form (fig. 6-9), The maintenance chief uses the work authorization/estimate form (fig. 6-10) and develops a BM. The MCD section prepares the BM, any sketches or drawings needed, and all applicable 1250-1s for the material.
d. Signs block 23 of the work authorization/ estimate form.
e. Submits a copy of the BM and all NAVSUP form 1250-1s to MLO for material procurement.
f. Places the project on status charts in the scheduler's office. The charts display all specific job orders. All MCDs remain on the charts until completed or canceled. Maintains separate charts for each category reported on the monthly project status report. Priorities the top 15 MCDs on each chart and displays the same information monitored on the monthly project status report. The priorities for MCDs in the SAMMS camp maintenance computer program are those for the camp maintenance plan and not the status board priorities.
5. For those projects requiring COM2NDNCB/ COM3RDNCB or higher approval, the maintenance chief is responsible for the following:
a. Assigning a specific JON in the format MCD-XXX-YY.
Table 6-2. - Required Approval Authority
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