TM 9-243TYPES AND USESReamers are used to enlarge and true a hole. They arealso used to remove burrs from the inside diameters ofpipes and drilled holes. The reamer consists of threeparts, the body (1), the shank (2), and the blades (3).The shank has a square tang to allow the reamer to beheld with a wrench for turning.SOLID STRAIGHT-HOLE REAMERA solid straight-hole reamer is made of one solid piece ofhigh-speed steel having a straight shank and straight (1)or spiral flutes (2). The cutting edges, or lands, betweenthe flutes are usually evenly spaced. Some haveirregularly spaced lands to prevent the tool from chat-tering. They come in sizes from 1/16 inch to include3-inch diameters. Reamers are also available in setscontaining 25 reamers in 1/64-inch increments from 1/8inch to 1/2 inch. The sets may be mixed to includestraight and taper pin reamers. Each reamer size isstamped on the shank of the tool. Solid straight-holereamers are used for most work since they are the mostaccurate and the most rugged of the straight-holereamers.SOLID TAPER-PIN REAMERSolid taper-pin reamers are used to finish tapered holesfor the insertion of tapered pins or other tapered parts.They are made with a standard taper of 1/4 inch per foot.Solid taper-pin reamers come with straight (1) or spiralflutes (2). Sizes range from 5/0 to 14, with the diameterat the large end ranging from 0.0984 to 1.5412 inches.They also come in sets of 10, sizes 3/0 to 7, and a set of11, sizes 0 to 10. They are also included in mixed sets ofstraight and taper-pin reamers.EXPANSION REAMERExpansion reamers are adjustable, and their sizes maybe changed by 1/8 inch for a 1 -inch reamer and 5/16inch for a 2-inch reamer. The expansion reamer is madeof carbon steel and has longitudinal cuts in some of itsflutes. It is hollowed out and threaded to receive atapered screw plug. The diameter of the reamer ischanged by screwing in or backing out the screw plug.The standard sizes range from 1/4 inch to 1 inch, by32nds. A 1/4-inch expansion reamer will enlarge thehole to a 9/32-inch hole, etc. It is used for generalpurposes and is considered the most practical reamer.39-2
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