TM 9-243TYPES AND USESCARPENTER’S SQUAREThe carpenter’s square is made up of two parts: thebody or blade, and the tongue. It has inches divided intoeighths, tenths, twelfths, and sixteenths.The face side contains the manufacturer’s name and theinches are divided into eighths and sixteenths as shown.There are two tables down the center.The rafter table is used for determining the length andcut of rafters.The octagon or eight square scale is used for cutting anoctagon from a square piece of material.The back side contains the hundredths scale and isdivided into tenths, twelfths, and sixteenths as shown.There are two tables down the center.The essex board measure is used to compute thenumber of board feet in a given piece of lumber.The brace measure is used to find the exact lengths ofcommon braces.13-2
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