TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSLIDING T-BEVELThe sliding T-bevel is made up of a slotted blade (1) anda solid stock (2). The blade is adjustable so it can be setto measure any angle. The T-bevel is used for testingbevels and laying out angles.BEVEL PROTRACTORThe bevel protractor is made up of an adjustable blade(1) and a graduated dial (2) which contains a vernierscale. The bevel protractor is used to establish an angleand determine its relationship to other surfaces. Theacute angle attachment (3) is used for measuring acuteangles accurately.USING A CARPENTER’S SQUARE TO MARK A SQUARE LINE1To mark a square line, place the blade or tongue (1)of the square against the side of the material withthe square tilted slightly so the blade or tongue ofthe square extends across the work.2Mark a line across the work using a pencil or mark-ing crayon.USING A CARPENTER’S SQUARE TO LAY OUT STEPS1 The following example shows proper square posi-tion when marking cut lines for a series of steps9” x 12.”2Continue the process until desired number of stepshas been layed out.13-4
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