TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSTAYBOLT TAPSStaybolt taps are used in boiler, locomotive, and railroadshops for tapping holes in the outer and inner plates orshells of boilers. The staybolt tap has two separatethreaded areas. The first is for cutting threads and thesecond is for guiding the tap into another piece of metalfor threading by the cutting threads. The spindle-typestaybolt has an adjustable spindle which changes thedistance between the cutting threads and the guidethreads.DIESMUD HAND TAPS (WASHOUT TAP)The mud or washout tap has six flutes, tapers 1-1/4 inchper foot, and has 12 threads per inch. It is used forcutting American National or V-form threadsin mud plugdrain holes.RETHREADING DIERethreading dies are used to restore bruised (rounded)or rusty threads on screws and bolts. The rethreadingdie is hexagonal in shape and may be turned with asocket, box, open-end, or any other wrench that will fit.They are available in American Coarse and FineThreads. Rethreading dies are available in a variety ofsizes and are usually assembled in sets with a case.TWO-PIECE COLLET DIEThe two-piece collet die consists of the two die sections,the collet cap, and collet guide. The die sections areplaced inside the cap and held in place by the guide.Adjustment of the die is done by turning setscrews oneither end of the internal slot. They are used to cutAmerican Standard Coarse and Fine Threads and areavailable in assorted sizes.38-3
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