TM 9-243USING CUTTING NIPPERS - ContinuedFLUSH CUTTlNG1Place the cutting edge (1) of the nippers over thenail, wire, rivet, or bolt (2) that is to be cut flush with.the surface.2Squeeze the handles (3) together slowly, exertingenough pressure to cut the materials.3File cut edge smooth to prevent injury.CARE OF SHEARS AND NIPPERS1. tools clean at all times. Lubricate the pivotscrew or bolt with a drop of light oil.Remove rust with a fine aluminum-oxide abrasivecloth.8.Apply a thin film of oil on tools to prevent rust, andhang tools on hooks or place them on a shelf whennot in use.Do not throw cutting tools together in a box wherethe cutting edges may be damaged.Do not use the shearing machine table as a stor-age place for other tools and work.Do not attempt to cut material heavier than thetools or machines are designed to handle.Do not use shears or nippers as hammers or prybars, as they are easily damaged.9.10.Dull shears can usually be sharpened on anoilstone or with a file.CAUTIONDo not grind shears if sharpening is all thatis necessary. Most shears become use-less after two or three grindings.Grind the shears and nippers only if the cuttingedges become nicked, damaged, or distorted fromimproper sharpening or prolonged use.For long-term storage, coat tools with a rust-preventive compound and store in a dry placewhere the cutting edges will not come in contactwith other metal objects.37-4
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