TM 9-243USING A FLARING TOOL - Continued7Unscrew die block clamp screws (1) and open dieblock clamp (2), releasing tubing (3).8Inspect flange (7) in tubing for cracks or breaks.9If a crack or break is detected, the tubing will have tobe cut and reflanged.CARE OF TUBE CUTTERS AND FLARING TOOLS.TUBE CUTTERSFLARING TOOLKeep cutting wheel clean and lightly oiled. If a reamingdevice is mounted on- the body of the cutter, keep itretracted when not in use.Store tube cutters on a rack or in a box.Keep surfaces clean and lightly oiled. Close single flar-ing tools and tighten cone into block for storing. Keepdouble flaring tools in the case when not in use.36-4
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